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الدراسات والأبحاث

نبذة عن دراساتي و أبحاثي

Effects of Two Physical Activity Interventions on Sleep and Sedentary Time in Pregnant Women


Effects of prenatal exercise on gestational weight gain, obstetric and neonatal outcomes: FitMum randomized controlled trial


Physical activity in pregnancy: a mixed methods process evaluation of the FitMum randomised controlled trial interventions

Methods to Estimate Energy Expenditure, Physical Activity, and Sedentary Time in Pregnant Women: A Validation Study Using Doubly Labeled Water

Effects of Structured Supervised Exercise Training or Motivational Counseling on Pregnant Women’s Physical Activity Level: FitMum - Randomized Controlled Trial

Validity and reliability of the Danish version of the pregnancy physical activity questionnaire to assess levels of physical activity during pregnancy

Structured supervised exercise training or motivational counselling during pregnancy on physical activity level and health of mother and offspring: FitMum study protocol